Thursday, March 22, 2012


GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are in most of our foods. About 65 percent of the food on supermarket shelves contains at least one GMO.  At this time there is not an easy way to tell if your food contains GMOs.  A poll done by CBS showed that 53 percent of Americans would buy a food product if they knew it had a GMO in it. The U.S. has no law stating that food products need to be labeled even though Americans would prefer food to be labeled. Countries like Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and some parts of Europe require food products to be labeled. There was a study conducted by Russian scientists on GMOs and feeding them to rats.  The study showed that a female rat that was fed genetically modified soy flour, before, during, and after pregnancy ended up dying within three weeks.  Also another study has shown rats that were fed GMO corn had signs of liver and kidney problems.  I think this is crazy, because there are scientifically engineered foods that we are currently eating.  For example, scientists in white coats in a laboratory came up with a way to create an artificial ingredient that is put in the food that we eat. 

Posted By: Kami Kalandjian

Hubbard, Sylvia B. "Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe?" Health, Fitness and Medical Advice. NewsMax             Media, 15 Jan. 2010. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. <                         /genetically_modified_food/2010/01/15/308880.html>.

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